WP Builders Fight Club

A fun community project

A fun community project


This project is not owned by some company, it is a community project that based on the work of volunteers.

This is a screenshot of the post in FB where Sridhar Katakam mentioned the idea of such project and made a call for volunteers:

CleanShot 2023-02-21 at 12.27.46@2x

Vitalii Kiiko offered using the domain wpbuildersfightclub.org. The domain was registered a long before the FB post for a kind of similar project. Similar in general, nothing specific. Just the idea to make a sort of comparison of builders, how they perform, what they can do etc.

Initial volunteers: Abdul Maajied Abrahams, Blue Li, Daniel Raghu, David McCan, Elvis Krstulović, Fernando Ortiz, Filip Steficar, Kevin Pauls, Marko Krstic, Maxime Beguin, Sridhar Katakam, Trisha Cupra, Vitalii Kiiko. Also participants: Matjaz Trontelj, Michael Huz, Nelson Therrien, Raitis Sevelis.

There is no affiliation links on the site. Neither for visual building tools mentioned nor hosting companies. We do not sell nor promote any products. This is a non-profit project.